Sunday, 19 January 2014

Our weekend, in pictures

After last week's disastrous weekend where we were both ill, this weekend was much better! We've really chilled out and I've had 2 lie-ins thanks to some early morning Daddy and son bonding.
Here is Henry catching some zzzs in his big boy cot. So peaceful!

Henry rocking his new Ralph Lauren all in one. So cute. He decided to get dressed up for our family lunch.

El Coto tapas for lunch. Good food, wine and my 2 boys for company. What a treat.

Me and the little one at lunch.

Watching some football at home. Henry LOVES the football. When it's on, he strains his head to look at it and won't pay attention to anything else. I think it must be the bright colours...either that or he definitely takes after his daddy!

Baby and doggy playtime. Cutie pies.

Sunday has been a good nap day. Henry fell asleep on the way home from Marmar's and then had a 2 hour nap this afternoon, so Rob and I took advantage and had one too. Lovely way to end the weekend.

Hope you all had a good one too xxx

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