Thursday 9 January 2014

Count your blessings...

So, after another awful night's sleep (up 6 times...) and a husband who has been working so hard I have hardly seen him since Monday, I was left feeling rather grumpy today. I have a tendency to be a right Negative Nancy at times and today is not going to be one of them. Here are the positives that I got out of my day...

• We are so lucky that Rob has a really good job that means I can have so long off on maternity leave to spend precious time with our son. Mr B may be working hard all week but it'll leave the weekend free for some family time all together.

• Henry may be the worst sleeper in the world but this is the only problem we have with him. He is such a happy baby, he's an absolute pleasure all day long and he's healthy. Sleep will come...(we hope?!)

• I have an amazing mum just up the road who had Henry for an hour while I slept this afternoon. When I woke up I had a lasagne, fresh from the oven, to take home for tea so we don't need to make anything. She and Parpar got to spend precious time with their beautiful grandson this afternoon which they wouldn't have had Henry slept last night and our day gone to plan!

• I bought a Leighton Denny nail varnish in the sales for £4. If you love Leighton Denny as much as me, you will appreciate this one. Haha

• We have a warm, beautiful house to come home to and a crazy dog to greet us. We have a Sky+ box full of trashy tv and a box full of toys to entertain Henry.

"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude" xxx

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